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Cryptocurrency as a means of payment around the world

Started by Admin, Jul 15, 2024, 12:30 PM

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The interest and explosive growth in the use of cryptocurrencies in recent years has made the exchange of these digital currencies between users affordable and easy. Currently, 10 countries are encouraging their use as a method of payment and investment. Cryptocurrencies utilize a distribution network, also known as blockchain technology, an alternative that adds security to any monetary transaction. One of the most recognized currencies in crypto is bitcoin. Bitcoin has pioneered the way of transactions and investments in cryptocurrency. In the last five years, the value of bitcoin has grown from 19.167 billion to 63.224 billion, meaning it has tripled in value over that period. Today we will talk about the main countries that have already adopted cryptocurrencies in their economies, according to Statista's Global Consumer Survey the list of these countries includes: Nigeria, Philippines, Turkey, Peru, Argentina, Sweden, China, USA, Germany, Japan. Among the regions listed, Africa does not rank last in the use of cryptocurrencies, although it has a reputation for being economically underdeveloped. Latin American countries find it difficult to adopt cryptocurrencies as compared to European countries. Peru and Argentina remain in last place in terms of adopting innovative means of payment.

Cryptocurrencies as a means of payment

The use of this digital currency as a regular payment method is still in its infancy, it is becoming a fundamental asset in the financial system and an alternative in monetary transactions around the world. In the United States, for example, the infrastructure for accessing cryptocurrencies already exists. Coinsourse, a network of bitcoin ATMs, allows users to easily convert their digital currency into dollars for withdrawals. Even in this country, more than a dozen Bitcoin debit cards already exist. Major companies like Apple and Google are already using these digital currencies as a payment method. Both companies have debit cards as an alternative for purchasing goods and services using cryptocurrencies from their cell phones. Employees of these international companies will be able to take their virtual currencies and convert them into dollars to make transfers or withdrawals from ATMs. In Nigeria, which is the main country with the highest use of cryptocurrencies, they tend to use the currency through their mobile devices, either to send money to each other or to pay in stores. Companies in the country have even added add-ons to enable mobile payments and use cryptocurrencies on a daily basis.

The situation in Mexico is a bit different. Though it still has a long way to go to use cryptocurrencies as a means of payment, the country has seen the emergence of platforms to invest in them. The acceptance of virtual currencies is through platforms such as Bitso, one of Mexico's unicorns. Through this company, users can participate in cryptocurrency trading with the local currency. However, there is still risk in this asset, as its value is determined by supply and demand rather than a tangible asset. Another alternative is to invest in an entrepreneurial capital fund. By using this alternative, you incentivize the entrepreneurial ecosystem in exchange for higher returns.

Should you invest in digital currencies?

The cryptocurrency market is one of the most ambitious and sought after by investors. In the last five years, just over 700 digital currencies have been integrated, with a maximum market cap of 90 billion dollars. Bitcoin, for example, which is one of the most important currencies in the cryptocurrency market, is worth more than 30 billion. Meanwhile, the volume of these daily transactions is around 51,000 bitcoins, indicating the high liquidity and reach of digital currency transactions. According to an analysis at the Escuela de negocios Europea Business School, they experience price fluctuations, making them digital assets subject to volatility, since the value assigned to them is linked to their popularity. This situation increases uncertainty about their future.